随机推荐:柒锚喵喵喵 至高洪荒,群友是诸天大佬 最强狂兵2:黑暗荣耀 闺蜜齐穿嫁军官,夜夜冷脸洗床单 穿书八零,娇软美人改嫁冷面糙汉赢麻了 时空之旅:战火中的守护 斩神:河神也是概念神呀? 听懂毛绒绒说话,我家变动物乐园
“Have a good rest, don't think too much! What you said today, we start to implement it slowly and bit by bit!(好好休息,别想太多了!你今天说的,我们慢慢一点一点的开始执行!【英语】)”雪绒有些担心的,毕竟胥晨熙现在是她的哥哥,而且胥晨熙是主神,虽然不知道这个世界为什么会有他的存在。
“Don't worry! Your brother has me here! Besides, how long have you been with him, how long have I been with him?(放心吧!你哥有我在呢!而且,你和他才多久,我和他多久了?【英语】)”卡啦尔对于雪绒和胥晨熙所说的话有些搞笑的,他也不知道胥晨熙所找的这个妹妹是不是真的,而且这种时候为什么才有这么个妹妹呢?
“Just because you used to be with him, now come back, I think you will hold him all night! What I worry about most is how bad you are!(就因为你和他以前在一起,现在回来,我觉得你会拉着他通宵!我最担心的就是你好不好!【英语】)”雪绒白了一眼卡啦尔,这家伙在她的心里还是不靠谱,不过他有没有能力,她确实不知道,人外有人,天外有天。
“I know, Rongrong! You go to rest! I delayed you to go to bed early today. When you go back to your room, let housekeeper long pour you a cup of warm milk and drink it to sleep!(我知道,蓉蓉啊!你去休息吧!今天耽误你早睡了,现在回房间后,让隆管家给你倒杯温牛奶,喝了在睡吧!【英语】)”
“I know your brother, don't worry, I will go back to rest! Don't think too much!(你哥我知道的,放心,我会回去就休息啦!不去想太多!【英语】)”胥晨熙淡淡的说着,其实心里是很无语的。
“My brother is yours! You'd better do what you say! He's not in good health, you know!(我哥交给你了!你最好像你所说的那样!他的身体不好你知道的!【英语】)”说完这句话,放开轮椅手柄,走到胥晨熙的面前。
“If only you knew! Don't mess around! I don't know what your plan is, but you'd better protect your body and your safety!(你知道就好!别乱来!还有你什么计划我不知道,但是,你最好保护好自己的身体和你的安全!【英语】)”
“also! Remember what you said! I'll go back and have a good rest!(还有!你所说的自己也好好记得!自己等会儿回去好好休息!【英语】)”雪绒说完就转身离开了。
“I said, brother, where did you find such a girl? And she's your sister?(我说兄弟,你什么地方找的这么个妞?还说她是你的妹妹?【英语】)”卡啦尔有些不太理解的,看着雪绒离开后,双手握住了胥晨熙的轮椅后的手柄。
“Speak in a normal way! She is really my sister! Think it's her?(好好说话!她真的是我的妹妹!你以为她很普通是吗?【英语】)”
“She is a secret agent trained by the French Federation and the superiors here! Her words, and you are likely to draw, more likely to beat you!(她是法国联会和这边的上级人士秘密培训出来的特务!她的话,和你很有可能会打个平手,更可能打败你!【英语】)”
“She looks like she has small arms and legs, doesn't she? It doesn't look like it! And her identity is so strong, why is she in this place?(她看起来小胳膊小腿的不是吗?怎么看都不像啊!而且她的身份这么厉害,为什么会在这个地方?【英语】)”卡啦尔是真的有些不理解,他觉得那个女人,看起来就颜值身材都OK,脾气特别的不好,怎么可能,还和他居然能够打成一个平手。
“I've told you before that you can't judge a person by his appearance. I've also said this to you.(我以前就和你说过,不可以以貌取人,山外青山楼外楼,这句话我也和你说过。【英语】)”对于卡啦尔的说法,胥晨熙脸色有些木,怎么就那么的喜欢看人家外表来说是呢?
“All right! I admit that I have looked at it, and I think it's impossible. Besides, isn't she the sister you're looking for?(好吧好吧!我承认我是看了一下,觉得怎么也不太可能,而且她不是你寻找的妹妹吗?【英语】)”卡啦尔觉得有些不可思议,他胥晨熙的妹妹,他怎么可能会让她受任何的苦呢?不应该像小公主一样捧在手心吗?
“Besides, she's so good. Why do you do that? I think she has the ability to take care of herself!(还有,她这么厉害为什么你要那样做呢?我觉得她有能力照顾自己啊!【英语】)”卡啦尔不太理解,为什么还需要让他照顾她,这不太符合情理呀!
“It's true that she's my sister! But she's great, and I know! She has the ability to protect herself, and I know it! I'm afraid she'll come back when she's done with you!(她是我妹妹不假!但是她很厉害我也知道!她有能力保护自己我也清楚!我怕她和你去办妥后,她会回来!【英语】)”
“She's back and will continue to be in danger! So you need to take care of it! You must take care of her!(她回来了,会继续在危险之中!所以就需要你照顾啦!你一定要照顾好她!【英语】)”胥晨熙皱着眉头说着,这让卡啦尔有些懂了,就算他们请求了军队而来,到时候胥晨熙的妹妹肯定想回去,但是那时候会有多危险呢?