随机推荐:斩神:河神也是概念神呀? 时空之旅:战火中的守护 听懂毛绒绒说话,我家变动物乐园 柒锚喵喵喵 闺蜜齐穿嫁军官,夜夜冷脸洗床单 至高洪荒,群友是诸天大佬 最强狂兵2:黑暗荣耀 穿书八零,娇软美人改嫁冷面糙汉赢麻了
“My brother said you, what's wrong? He's the only one! I don't know! Yes? Say you have ability, you are so arrogant?(我哥说你,怎么了?只有他一个!我并不了解!怎么?说你能力有,你就这么高傲了?【英语】)”
“Yes? Do you want my brother to help? My brother doesn't want to pay attention to you!(怎么?还想让我哥帮忙吗?我哥都不想理会你了!【英语】)”雪绒有些头疼了,这个卡啦尔就像个孩子一样,怎么就会这样呢?
“Where can I find it? What's more, what your brother just said has fully proved me! I have been recognized! Why do I need your brother to tell me?(哪有?而且你哥刚才说的那些,都已经充分证明了我呀!我已经得到认可了呀!我为什么还需要你哥说呢?【英语】)”对于雪绒所说,卡啦尔硬着头皮说着,有些心虚的!
“What's the meaning?(你想表达什么?【英语】)”雪绒都不想说话了,怎么这家伙还在死死的撑着呢?
“Brother, do you have anything else to do? Finish and leave quickly!(哥,你还有什么事情吗?说完赶紧离开了!【英语】)”雪绒觉得一直这么和卡啦尔无聊的说着很头疼。
“Yes! And of course! But I'm not in a hurry now! You can talk as much as you want!(有啊!当然还有啊!不过我现在不急了!你们想怎么说话,想说多久都可以啊!【英语】)”胥晨熙不想打扰了呀!有什么好说的呢?继续啊!说完了,在继续啊!
“All right, all right! I was wrong! Tell me quickly! I'm not like that anymore!(好了好了!我错了!你赶紧说吧!我不那样子了!【英语】)”卡啦尔赶紧不说话了。
“I told you, I'm dying! My biggest worry is my sister! And the people around her! And the Japanese!(我也说了,我快不行了!我最担心的就是我的妹妹!还有她身边的那些人!还有那些日本人!【英语】)”胥晨熙说了这句,看了他们两眼,看他们都老实了,让后准备继续开口说到。
“What's more, Bailemen is still ok now. Besides, the Japanese must have some ideas! What's more, it may be that preparations have already begun!(而且,百乐门那个地方,现在还可以,还有,他们那些日本人肯定已经有所想法了!更关键的可能是有可能已经开始筹备了!【英语】)”
“In France, housekeeper long knows! There are real preparations for war! But in fact, this is just talk!(法国那边,隆管家也知道了!他们那边有当儿戏的,也有当真正的战争在准备着!可实际上,这也不过是说说而已!【英语】)”
“What's more, the masses here don't have a little awareness. And I guess that France is ready to leave this place at any time!(更加关键的事,我们这边的群众们,还没有一点点的意识,而且我个人猜想,法国这边好像在准备随时撤离这个地方!【英语】)”
“Japanese people are so dishonest? What's more, it's said that the negotiations between the French Embassy and Japan seem to be quiet!(日本人们居然这么的不讲信用?而且法国大使馆那边,据说和日本那边的交涉好像没什么动静!【英语】)”
“We're going to start moving without any movement? This? Why don't you know anything about France?(动静都没有就开始行动?这?怎么法国这边真的一点都不知道吗?【英语】)”卡啦尔有些不太理解。
“France knows, but it can't hold the evidence, you know? These invaders are ambitious and ready to move!(法国是知道,但是抓不住证据,你知道吗?这帮侵略者,野心勃勃,在蠢蠢欲动!【英语】)”胥晨熙看了一眼卡啦尔。
“So why do you want that? Can't you do the same thing? Why not like each other?(那为什么还要那样子呢?不能也动手脚吗?为什么不和对方一样?【英语】)”对于他的话,雪绒觉得卡啦尔想的太过于简单了!
“What do you think French are? Especially their army? Will these things be done like these invaders? And just don't go too far. What do you think of the French?(你以为法国人是什么?特别是他们的军队?会像这些个侵略者那样做这些个事情吗?而且只要不要太过分,你觉得法国人会怎么样吗?【英语】)”
“yes! My sister is right! What's more, the French think that their behavior shows their friendship and sincerity!(是的!我妹妹说的情况很对!而且法国人认为他们这样的行为,表示着他们的友好,还有诚意!【英语】)”对于胥晨熙的这句话卡啦尔不太理解,为什么呢?他不懂。
“Everyone thinks differently! And their entry, sooner or later, there will be some different situations! For example, invaders like them will feel very satisfied!(每个人所想的都不一样!而且他们的进入,迟早都会发生一些不一样的情况!比如他们这样侵略者会觉得很满意!【英语】)”
“What's more terrible? Those shameless invaders feel that they are afraid of them, and slowly start to further action!(更加可怕的事是什么呢?那些个不要脸的侵略者感觉他们这是在怕他们,而慢慢慢慢的开始进一步动作!【英语】)”
“These shameless people! How could this happen? So greedy? I'm not full! Don't the people at the French Embassy know?(这些个不要脸的!怎么会这样?这么的贪得无厌吗?喂不饱!难道法国大使馆那边的人不知道吗?【英语】)”卡啦尔特别的气愤,他不太明白,怎么会有这样的一个国家呢?